Ask anyone that knows me and they’ll tell you that I’ve always referencing a book, podcast or YouTube clip that talked about some thing that resulted in me seeing >the thing in discussion< in a different way. All of the items below are resources I have used, or continue to use, as a way to support my mission or find new ways of thinking about things.
Podcasts are a great way to consume high-quality information in a short amount of time. Most of the podcasts I listen to run anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and ALL are related to some kind of new thing I’m looking to learn about. I don’t really listen to music that often when I’m driving, but I listen to Podcasts constantly. The current count for the podcasts I subscribe to is 29.
Below is a list of podcasts I’d like to call out because they’ve helped me in a multitude of ways in my career and life. Not only am I a consumer of their FREE content, I am a customer in some way, shape or form. I buy their products and support / promote their brand whenever I can. Enjoy!